Yamini Vibha Ananth

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Some projects, education, teaching and fellowship details are listed below in greater detail.

Previous Work

Selected projects/data explorations below; more info available on my Github or resume.

Optimizing WaveNet Inference Performance

WaveNet is a generative neural network for generating raw audio waveforms. Due to its autoregressive nature, inference is prohibitively slow. This project optimizes WaveNet’s inference performance through implementation of static and dynamic quantization & provides a CLI tool for easy benchmarking.

Supervised by Dr. Parijat Dube (IBM Research)

Code, IEE Report, Slides

Structured Information Extraction using LLMs and Iterative Set Expansion

Implementation of an information retrieval system for discovering and extracting structured information from natural language on webpages based on user queries. Benchmarks spaCy and SpanBERT for named entity extraction compared to LLM (OpenAI GPT3.5-turbo).


ListenOn: feasibility testing for item-, user-, and hybrid-recommender systems for podcasts

Podcasts suffer from a discoverability problem; 90% of listeners only consume the top 1% of content. We demonstrate the feasibility a content-based recommender system using text similarity, a collaborative filtering based approach using user data, and a hybrid approach incorporating both.

Supervised by Dr. Chris Wiggins (Chief Data Scientist, NYT) for Applied Math Senior Seminar

Code, Slides, Article

How NYC Tree Species and Heat Indexes Correlate Across Boroughs - Data Mining

This project extracts correlations between tree and temperature data in NYC by implementing the Apriori algorithm for finding association rules over an integrated dataset created from NYC OpenData’s Hyperlocal Temperature Monitoring dataset—temperature data from neighborhoods with the highest heat mortality risk during the summers of 2018 and 2019—and the 2015 Street Tree Census dataset from the NYC Parks & Rec department.


Modeling How Drones Can Help Fight Australian Bushfires

An economic analysis and optimization of type, quantity and positioning of drones to fight Australian bushfires. Developed ODE model, linear optimization model, least-costs path discovery algorithm, and economic price modeling over 10 year period.

Supervised by Dr. Daniel Lacker for the COMAP International Mathematical Competition in Modeling 2021

International Honorable Mention



Columbia University, School of Engineering and Applied Science

B.S. in Applied Math, Computer Science (2019-2023)

Teaching Assistantships:

Fellowships and Service

Fellow (2022), Mentor (2023) @ hackNY

hackNY is a 13-year old intensive summer program designed to integrate top student technologists from around the world with the NYC startup ecosystem. Listed as one of the Top 10 Summer Fellowships by ProFellow, and has been featured by CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Observer.

Fellow (2022-2023) @ Columbia in Tech (2022-2023)

Columbia in Tech is a non-profit that aims to build relationships between Columbia alumni working in technology, with the goal of accelerating our collective learning and impact.

AI/ML fellow @ Breakthrough Tech AI, Cornell (2022)

BreakThrough Tech is a competetive ML residency program at Cornell Tech.

Conference Director @ Columbia Society of Women Engineers (2019-2021)

Engineering Exploration Experience is a conference for high school girls at underserved high schools in the NYC area to be exposed to opportunities in engineering.